The Barrett Retrospective

This blog represents my own footprint on the web, and everything contained herein is my own, illustrious opinion.

Category: My Thoughts Exactly!

  • Non-Trek Fans Spewing Garbage About Axanar

    What do I Think About These NON-Trek Fans Claiming They Know Why CBS Sued Axanar?? Wow, there are so many NON-Trek fans spewing garbage out of there mouths. These people pretend to be Trek fans; they tell you they are Trek fans and some even use “Star Trek” in their online names. But they are…

  • What is going on with CBS and Star Trek?

    This week, we celebrate the end of 2015 and celebrate the beginning of a new year once again. But for many Star Trek fans, this New Year’s Eve is marred by the corporate shadow of CBS’s politicking. From what I have been able to piece together, three events have occurred which I believe place the…

  • The Problem With IT Staffing Agencies

    Today in the world of IT and Software Engineering, there seem to be only two ways to gain employment – start your own company or get picked up by a head hunter. head hunters, or staffing agencies, make up most of all the IT job ads on Monster and Indeed. If you are a Software…