The Barrett Retrospective

This blog represents my own footprint on the web, and everything contained herein is my own, illustrious opinion.

New Home At Geeky Tech Guy

First off, let me apologize for being away so long. Health and work have kept me away but I am going to try to do more, to find new ways to promote the show and increase interest in the franchise.

The old url will be going away soon and I wanted to save the information I have accumulated so far. Since I have been doing a lot of work on the Geeky Tech Guy site I felt, with all of the improvements I’ve made, that the SGU Campaign would be better off here.

We all feel the loss of this great show. The characters we have come to know and love are still out there and had just begun the most perilous and fantastic part of their journey! I still strongly believe that if we are ever to see a continuation of this wonderful saga, be it on the small screen or big screen, that writing letters – real paper, envelope and stamp letters – is the key. When big TV executives see hand written letters that they can hold in their hands, and bags and bags of letters taking up precious space in their office, and tons of new letters arriving every day, that is what sends the message that we are out here and we are not going away.





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