Getting Up For Work
The alarm sounds. Hit the snooze button once, twice, three times just to be safe. You’ll need those extra winks to do well on your first day on the job. Grab your phone and check your email, twitter, and Facebook. But don’t be late for work! You need to pay for those high tech gadgets…
Rollercoaster Down
Clack! Clack! Clack! The car moved slowly upwards. At the top of the arc, the car seemed to stop. Clack! She stared into the endless void of blue. Her eyes tried to lock on to any detail but there was none. It seemed as if she was stuck in time. She looked down at the…
Bus Stop
As I listened to the conversation, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A young woman was talking to an older woman. “I just can’t do it,” the younger woman said. “No matter how much you explain, I will never understand.” Her frustration was obvious, but I had trouble hearing them over the noise of…
Messy Fonts? Turn On Clear Type (Win7&8)
I have noticed for a long time that web fonts in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome look horrible. Windows Internet Explorer looks OK though. So, what is going on? It turns out that Microsoft smooths over web fonts in Internet Explorer, but neither Firefox nor Chrome do so. In order to get those browsers to…
For The Sake of The Children
Jack bent the window blinds and peered outside. A tall woman in a business suit stood outside the front door of the house. She carried a large envelope. It was late afternoon. The sun hung behind her and cast her silhouette against the window. The suburban street was quite. The houses all in a row…
Never End
I wrote this poem(?) in my early teenage years before high school. These thoughts helped me through many difficult times throughout my entire life. In 1992, I took that old, tattered piece of notebook paper I had held onto for so many years and transcribed it in to a word processing document. That document, along…
Tired Intuition
At times during the 1990s, I would jot down thoughts and ideas. I have snippets of stories and poems scattered across various boxes and digital medium. I recently found an archive of mine from 2000. Most of what I wrote is shit, but I sort of like this one. My poetry(?) tends to be abstract…
Creatively Destructive
I wrote this story one day at work. I was bored. Totally, completely bored. You have no idea how mind boggling bored I was. The company I worked for would often run out of work for us to do. I was reading an article on the web about Near Earth Asteroids and, as I had…
Day of the Roach
I wrote this story back in 1993 in college. I was taking an English writing class and the assignment was to compare and contrast three adjectives: frenetic, benevolent, and malicious. However, I chose to be a bit more creative than most. Here is the story I turned in. I got an A. How do people…
Stop Firefox From Nagging You To Death
Firefox has many good things about it that push it far above its competition. But the one thing I think we can all agree on about Firefox is that we hate that silly nag screen. Last year, Google Chrome deleted all my bookmarks without warning – for the second time! I don’t know how the…
Got any book recommendations?