The Barrett Retrospective

This blog represents my own footprint on the web, and everything contained herein is my own, illustrious opinion.

Tag: Axanar

  • Non-Trek Fans Spewing Garbage About Axanar

    What do I Think About These NON-Trek Fans Claiming They Know Why CBS Sued Axanar?? Wow, there are so many NON-Trek fans spewing garbage out of there mouths. These people pretend to be Trek fans; they tell you they are Trek fans and some even use “Star Trek” in their online names. But they are…

  • David Gerrold on Axanar, Star Trek Fan Productions, and CBS Lawsuit

    This is important. The future of all Star Trek fan productions are at stake. David Gerrold has said it better than anyone I have read. Before you proceed, whether you are for or against Axanar, please read his words. Below are the exact words from David Gerrold ……. Source: David Gerrold Facebook Post

  • What is going on with CBS and Star Trek?

    This week, we celebrate the end of 2015 and celebrate the beginning of a new year once again. But for many Star Trek fans, this New Year’s Eve is marred by the corporate shadow of CBS’s politicking. From what I have been able to piece together, three events have occurred which I believe place the…