The Barrett Retrospective

This blog represents my own footprint on the web, and everything contained herein is my own, illustrious opinion.

Tag: south seas

  • Honolulu Pre-WWII Life

    Honolulu Pre-WWII Life

    Honolulu 1930s Creator: Philip Gendreau Copyright: © Corbis. All Rights Reserved.

  • My Mai Tai Recipe

    My Mai Tai Recipe

    I originally got this recipe from a blog but I can’t find the link to that blog now. I’ve made changes changes to the ratio but the basic ingredients are mostly the same. These four rums, when mixed together, create a very fruity yet potent mixture. You’ll swear there’s pineapple juice in the mai tai!…

  • The Mask We Seek

    The Mask We Seek

    John dug into the ground with his bare hands. “My people buried the mask deep, John. Here.” Niru handed John a shovel. John looked up at the hot Pacific sun and wiped his brow. They dug. “I had a job once digging holes while everyone around me got rich.” John said. “Now it’s my turn.”…

  • Wallaby Damned

    This is my own personal take on the famous mixed beverage from that Aussie steak house chain. Made with strawberries, you’ll like this one… Shopping list frozen sliced peaches or strawberries Kern’s peach nectar or Bacardi Fuzzy Navel mix champagne peach schnapps vodka Directions (one serving, double for two servings) 4 ounces frozen fruit 4…